In July 2013, the State distributed a Social Media Policy for employees of the State of Kansas. Some important points about the policy follow.
·You may not use social media during working hours.
·Your social media activity cannot interfere or conflict with your job or customers of your Agency.
·If your social media indicates that you work for the State or a State Agency, you must clearly state that any posts are your own views and not those of the State or State Agency.
·If you use a working computer to access your social media, you have no right of privacy for any of the information you access.
·Your agency may enact an agency-specific social media policy that is more restrictive, but may only do so for two reasons: law enforcement staff OR because of specific public safety or security reasons.
The policy does not define “conflict with customers of your Agency” or what situations would be considered specific public safety or security reasons. These areas are subject to interpretation. If you are disciplined under this policy, please contact your Union Steward or the KOSE office immediately.